Obesity rates are at the highest ever experienced in the United States and is defined as having a BMI of 30 or greater. Body mass index (BMI), the measurement utilized to determine obesity, is based upon the height and weight of a person. The higher a person’s BMI, the higher the risk for development of conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control reports that 40% of American adults and 20% of adolescents (6-19 years of age) are obese.
Choosing to eat from all five food groups helps in achieving a well-balanced diet, and consuming a variety of foods from within these groups provides the nutrients needed to fuel the body. By combining healthy food choices with increased fitness levels and portion control, MORE HEALTH students are empowered with the knowledge to make healthy lifestyle decisions.
MORE HEALTH’s is thrilled to offer the following Nutrition lessons in the Tampa Bay area.
♥Nutrition “Fueled for Success”
♥Fitness, Nutrition & Bone Health “Fit for Life”
♥Nutrition & Fitness “Eat Healthy…Be Active”
♥“Healthy & Fit for Life”
Thank you Tampa Bay Rays, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, Frozen and Refrigerated Foods of Central Florida, Amerigroup, and Regions Bank for helping us provide nutrition education to children, teens and adults in our communities.