MORE HEALTH brings health education to LIFE with over 25 fun and interactive lessons for students in grades K-12. Customized visuals, signage, puppets, cheers, and songs engage students while they learn how to be healthy, safe and strong. These activities teach students how to identify and adopt healthy habits. Lessons are aligned with the National Health Education Standards and the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for science, health, language arts, math, and physical education. Students learn seven valuable life skills:
♥Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, and other factors
♥Access valid health information
♥Use interpersonal communication
♥Make positive decisions
♥Set goals
♥Self-manage and avoid health risks
♥Advocate for individual, peer, school, family, and community health
Each lesson includes pre and post-visit materials such as videos, books, vocabulary, and activities. The pre-visit materials help students gain a better understanding of the lesson topic. The post-visit materials reinforce and strengthen the information and skills learned in the lesson.
Interested in our health education lessons? Please contact us at for more information.

Bones 1 “Bo Wo Wones”
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health
Two hundred six! Students learn about the 206 bones that make up the skeletal system and how to build strong bones by consuming nutritious foods and drinks that are rich in calcium. They also learn ways to prevent injuries and the importance of wearing protective gear when riding bicycles and playing sports.

Bones 2: Bones & Osteoporosis Education “The Bone Zone”
Grade Level: 1st
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health
Students cheer with Cal Calcium, D The Vitamin, and Eddie Exercise as they learn how to keep their bones healthy, safe, and strong. Students construct a skeletal system with 206 life size bones. They learn about the importance of wearing protective gear when playing sports. Students discover that behaviors such as high consumption of caffeine and alcohol, smoking, and lack of exercise weaken bones and cause Osteoporosis.

Brain “Mission Control”
Grade Level: 5th
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health
Wrap your brain around this! Your height is determined by your brain. Students explore the captain of the body through the use of large visuals and brain models, while learning how to protect it from trauma and drug and alcohol abuse. Students experience the hypothalamus’s fight or flight response when they encounter a pretend cockroach and they learn how the brain sends messages very quickly, approximately 4 billion messages per second.
Studied by Hillsborough County Public Schools (2006)

Dental K “Wiggle, Wiggle, Brush, Brush”
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Students learn that the key to a healthy smile is the number two! Brush two times a day for two minutes and visit the dentist two times a year. Students identify good snacks that will help keep their teeth happy and bad snacks that will make their teeth sad. Students sing along to a lively song as they practice how to properly brush on tooth models.
Studied by New Directions, New Ideas (2011, 2013)

Dental 1 “Dr. Randy’s Super Smile”
Grade Level: 1st
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
HELP! Chopper the dog has bad breath and plaque on his teeth! Students rescue Chopper by practicing proper brushing and flossing to make his teeth healthy and clean. Students learn the answers to key questions: Why are teeth important? What is plaque and how does it cause tooth decay? How can I prevent cavities? They also identify nutritious foods to keep their teeth healthy and strong.

Dental 2 “Tooth Town Showdown”
Grade Level: 2nd
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Welcome to Tooth Town! Every student participates in the Tooth Town saga to help Sheriff Tough-Tooth fight off the cruel Plaque Gang. Flossie Floss, Good Food Gert, Toothbrush Tilly, and others take on the meddlesome Junk Food Jack, Acid Annie, and Big Joe Germ. Students learn five ways to protect teeth: brushing, flossing, using fluoride, choosing nutritious foods and drinks, and going to the dentist regularly.
Studied by New Directions, New Ideas (2010, 2011, 2013)

Firearm Safety 1 “You Can be a Hero”
Grade Level: 3rd
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Mental & Emotional Health
HALT! HANDS OFF! GET OUT! GET HELP! Students learn the procedures for firearm safety and how to make safe decisions in potentially dangerous situations. Law enforcement and MORE HEALTH team up to emphasize the importance of treating every firearm as if it is real and loaded.
Studied by USF College of Public Health; New Directions, New Ideas (2003, 2013)

Five Senses “Five Alive”
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Personal Health
The five senses come alive when students see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Students discover how sound travels from the ear through the canal, eardrum, nerves, and finally to the brain with the use of a giant model. The sense of sight is uncovered as students learn about the importance of their eyes and how to protect them. Students are challenged to identify different scents as they learn about their sense of smell. They use all of their taste buds to experience sweet, salty, sour, and bitter foods. Lastly, students explore their sense of touch as they reach into the magical feely bag.

Heart “Walk-Through Heart”
Grade Level: 5th
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Go with the flow and learn how to be heart healthy! Students use a stethoscope to listen to their heart rate before and after exercise. A giant walk-through heart helps students understand the route blood travels to the heart, lungs, and body. A drop of blood, giant lungs, and models of cells (the skin, muscle, bone, and nerve cells) make this journey through the heart come alive for students.
Studied by Hillsborough County Public Schools; New Directions, New Ideas (2006, 2013)

Lung “Take a Breath”
Grade Level: 5th
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Students discover the respiratory system by exploring how the lungs work together with the heart to take oxygen throughout the body and expel carbon dioxide. They learn about the many factors that can affect the health of the lungs, and the steps to take in order to keep the respiratory system healthy, safe and strong!

Nutrition “Fueled for Success”
Grade Level: 3rd
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health
Students learn how healthy choices help you go, grow, and glow! They explore how the six nutrients enter their bodies, provide energy, and contribute to overall health. Students put their knowledge of the five food groups and good nutrition into practice by categorizing life size foods.

Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety 1 “Safe Walkers & Safe Wheels”
Grade Level: 1st
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Nutrition & Fitness
Stop, look, and listen before you cross the street. First use your eyes and ears, then use your feet! Students learn the importance of following the rules for pedestrian safety as they put their walking skills to use on the safe streets model. Students save Safe Town by correcting risky pedestrian and bicycle behaviors with emphasis on wearing a helmet.
Studied by USF College of Public Health; New Directions, New Ideas (1995, 1996, 1997, 2014)

Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety 2 “Rules of the Road”
Grade Level: 4th
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Nutrition & Fitness
Students learn the “Rules of the Road” for pedestrian and bicycle safety by playing a fun and educational game of Street Smarts Jeopardy. They learn about common distractions that put them in danger and discuss excuses for not wearing a helmet and why helmets are important. Students are taught the importance of being the role model when it comes to safety.

Personal Hygiene “Scrubba Bubba”
Grade Level: 2nd
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Meet Scrubba Bubba and his friends, Vanessa Virus, Dirty Harry, and Larry Lice. Personal hygiene skills are emphasized as students explore how they can look good and feel good. They learn how proper personal hygiene habits help them fight off germs and stay healthy.

Poison Prevention 1 “Bites, Stings, & Other Things”
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety
Students help Tyrone the Dinosaur get through his awful, rotten, icky, very poisonous day. Students explore dangerous liquids, powders, and sprays under the kitchen sink, while they learn about look-alike products. Spider and snake puppets sing about their dangers and students join Sandy the Stingray in the Stingray Shuffle.
Studied by USF College of Public Health; New Directions, New Ideas (1999, 2015)

Poison Prevention 2 “Poison Patrol”
Grade Level: 2nd
Program Length: 40 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety
Most poisonings are accidental and occur in children under five. MORE HEALTH invites students to join in the Poison Patrol to help protect their family from danger! Poison Patrol recruits learn how to identify poisons, poison proof their homes, and respond to poison emergencies.
Studied by USF College of Public Health; New Directions, New Ideas (1999, 2015)

Safety & First Aid “S.A.F.E. Team”
Grade Level: 4th
Program Length: Two 45 minute presentations
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety
Join the S.A.F.E. team and learn how to A.C.T. (Access the scene. Call 911. Treat the victim.) in an emergency! Students put basic first aid skills into action as they participate in mock emergency situations with severe bleeding, fractures, choking, and burns.

Skin Cancer Prevention “Sun Smarts”
Grade Level: 4th
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
It’s important to be sun smart in the sunshine state! Students act as detectives in the “Sun Smarts Cover Up.” They discover the three types of skin cancer and how to perform mole checks. They also learn about the importance of clothing, hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses in preventing skin damage and skin cancers.
Studied by New Directions, New Ideas (2015)

Firearm Safety 2 “Responsibility, Respect, & Reason”
Grade Level: 6-8
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Mental & Emotional Health
Forty percent of American households own a firearm. Students discuss their responsibility when encountering a firearm. They learn how showing respect for firearms will keep them safe. Students discover how heightened adrenaline during potentially dangerous situations can affect their ability to reason. Lastly, they are taught about the real life consequences of unsafe behaviors with firearms.
Studied by Hillsborough County Public Schools (2006, 2013, 2014)

Fitness, Nutrition, & Bone Health “Fit For Life!”
Grade Level: 6-8
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health
The body reaches peak bone mass in a person’s early 20s! Students discuss the importance of a positive body image and how to set nutrition and fitness goals for life. They receive a daily food and activity journal to track their newly adopted healthy habits. Students also learn how to prevent common diseases including osteoporosis, obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention “Choice Not Chance”
Grade Level: 6-8
Program Length: Two 45 minute presentations
Health Education Topics: Family Life, Mental & Emotional Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Abstinence is the key to avoiding the risks and consequences of sexual activity. Teens explore the male and female anatomies and learn how their lives would drastically change if they had a baby or contracted an STD. An interactive activity demonstrates how HIV/AIDS and STDs can be spread.
Studied by USF College of Public Health; New Directions, New Ideas (1999, 2014)

Your Sexual Health “Why Risk It?”
Grade Level: 8
Program Length: 45 minutes
Health Education Topics: Family Life, Mental & Emotional Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Students are taught the importance of sexual health as it relates to their emotional and physical health. They are taught that abstinence is the only 100% guarantee to prevent exposure to an STI or pregnancy and why they should avoid the risk. An interactive activity has them learning how teens like them can make decisions that will keep them emotionally and physically safe or put them at risk.

Your Sexual Health 2 “Don’t Risk It!”
Grade Level: 9-12
Program Length: 50 minutes
Health Education Topics: Family Life, Mental & Emotional Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
The risk is real, so why risk it? Abstinence is the safest way to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS, STDs, and hepatitis. Students learn how the choices they make can keep them healthy or put them at risk. An interactive activity demonstrates how HIV/AIDS and STDs can be spread.

Nutrition & Fitness “Eat Healthy…Be Active”
Grade Level: 9-12
Program Length: 50 minutes
Health Education Topics: Nutrition & Fitness, Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
To eat healthy and be active, put the 8 practical points into practice: portion, preparation, put-ons, pick the best, and pound the pavement. Through discussion and hands-on activities, students receive the tools to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Organ Education, Abuse, & Donation “Live Life, Give Life”
Grade Level: 9-12
Program Length: 50 minutes
Health Education Topics: Personal Health, Prevention & Control of Disease
Students explore the fascinating works of the body, the five vital organs, their function, and how diseases and abuse can lead to organ failure. They discuss misconceptions about blood, organ, and marrow donation as well as tissue transplants.
Studied by New Directions, New Ideas (2013)

Trauma Education “Trauma Is No Accident”
Grade Level: 9-12
Program Length: 50 minutes
Health Education Topics: Injury Prevention & Safety, Mental & Emotional Health, Personal Health
Focus on the road! Cell phones, music, food, and friends are distractions that can lead to trauma. An interactive game shows students how simple tasks when coupled with driving become complex and dangerous. Factual stories and simulations emphasize the importance of wearing a seatbelt and not drinking and driving. Students gain an understanding of brain and spinal cord injuries and the process of rehabilitation.
Studied by USF College of Public Health; New Directions, New Ideas (2016)
MORE HEALTH has extensive and diverse experience in providing professional development for organizations. Our staff trains outside educators on ways to bring health education to life through high-energy and interactive lessons.
If you are interested in professional development, please contact MORE HEALTH at 813-287-5032.

Department of Education’s Summer Academy for Health Educators
MORE HEALTH taught Health and Physical Education teachers how to “Go Beyond the Food Pyramid” with nutrition education. This session showed educators interactive ways to emphasize the importance of making healthy food choices.

Healthy Start Home Care Providers
MORE HEALTH developed and implemented an oral health training workshop for Healthy Start Home Care Providers. These providers go into the homes of young mothers to facilitate the transition from pregnancy to motherhood. This workshop provided the educators with the knowledge, resources, and effective strategies to educate young mothers about proper oral health care and its importance. Participants received written lesson curriculum and dental care provider brochures for distribution.

Hillsborough County School District Nurses
At the request of the Hillsborough County School District, MORE HEALTH provided a “Healthy and Fit” training to 260 School Nurses. MORE HEALTH instructors and a nutritionist provided the nurses with information about the obesity epidemic, the food pyramid, reading labels, proper serving sizes, and the importance of physical activity. Participants also received a nutritious lunch, practical meal tips, a health screening, and a lesson notebook.